The scary truth

About your dying brain cells

New research shows you are slowly running out of healthy neurons. Here's how to stop the carnage and activate your brain's natural renewal mechanism

Dear Friend, 

When you were young, your brain had 100 billion brand new cells called neurons. 

And your brain hummed like a well-oiled machine…

But as you got older… things started to change.

Those plump, fresh neurons started to die off and now

Your Brain Loses Around 200,000 Cells Every Day!

No wonder you’re forgetting birthdays, can’t remember where you parked your car

Or even what you had for dinner yesterday.

You may dismiss those things as playful “senior moments”.

But little did you know

A Sign Of Serious Memory
Problems In The Future!

A study published in Archives of General Psychiatry concluded – those minor memory lapses we have been told to accept as “normal” age-related memory loss

Are the signs of early-stage cognitive decline. 1

And certain things can even accelerate this decline.

Things like prescription drugs
 lack of physical activity
 excessive consumption of sugar and sweets
 high blood pressure – just to name a few.

And unfortunately, that’s not the only thing you have to worry about

Plaque Buildup Gunks Up Your Main
Engine - The Brain

If you’re over the age of 40, a certain protein called Amyloid-Beta starts to accumulate in your brain.

It forms into nasty plaques that cause inflammation and kill your neurons from the inside.

Unfortunately, most people have no idea they’re carrying these plagues inside their brains right now:

In your 20s: Healthy brain cells
In your 40s: Amyloid-Beta plaques start to accumulate and pollute your brain causing inflammation

And if you do nothing
 memory problems get even worse…

Until one day you wake up in the morning, and you forget what you’re supposed to do.

Or.. you may even forget who your loved ones are

At that point
 god forbid… you may even start wandering around and get lost.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Because the truth is, no matter how many of those neurons you’ve lost in the past, your brain can regrow new ones.

In fact…

What separates a healthy brain from an unhealthy one is - how fast your brain can
regrow new neurons

It’s a process called neurogenesis – that means the birth of new neurons.

Except… There’s one tiny problem…

Before you can start growing fresh neurons – you have to give your brain a special type of fuel called NGF or Nerve Growth Factor.

It’s a special chemical that sparks the growth of neurons in your brain.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University found that NGF completely halts the breakdown and death of your brain cells as you age! 2

And if you want to protect the memories you still have
If you want to reverse the plaques that are already in your brain

It’s absolutely MISSION-CRITICAL that you boost your NGF NOW.

Imagine your future…not having to worry about “losing your mind”.

What would that be worth to you?

Being able to do things you love
 without requiring anyone’s assistance…

Learning a new hobby 
 maybe even a foreign language
 so you can travel to Sicily and Venice and be able to communicate fluently?

All of that is possible when you have the world’s only

Scientifically Proven NATURAL Way to Boost Your NGF And Restore Healthy Neurons

And it does not involve surgery, or mental exercises or anything else like that.

In fact it’s 100% natural and was used for centuries in Asia as a meditation aid and brain-healing elixir.

It’s name is Lion’s Mane mushroom.

It’s native to the remote valleys of Tibetan mountains and their fertile ecosystem of primeval forests

Where it draws rich nutrients from Mother Earth.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has relied on memory enhancing power of Lion’s Mane mushroom for over 6 centuries!

And modern researchers have found that Lion’s Mane mushroom is the only proven stimulant of Nerve Growth Factor Mother Earth gives us.

“Lion’s Mane” Mushroom Boosts NGF
production by 500%!

A study at the prestigious international laboratory of university Shizuoka in Japan found that Lion’s Mane produced a HUGE 500% increase in NGF 3.

That’s like igniting an explosion of neurons in your brain!

But it doesn’t stop there.

In 2019, doctors and researchers at Johns Hopkins University reviewed eight different studies and three clinical trials.

At the end of the review, they wrote that Lion’s Mane “may have a beneficial effect on cognitive impairment.” 30

And then there was the clinical trial at Tohoku University in Japan.

Researchers took 30 people between the ages of 50 to 80 who were suffering from memory problems and divided them into two groups.

One group received 250mg Lion’s Mane mushroom tablets daily, another group was given a placebo.

At the end of the study, the group that received Lion’s Mane mushroom “showed significantly increased scores on the cognitive function scale compared with the placebo group”. 7

 which is a scientific way of saying their memory improved and their thinking became much clearer.

But here’s where this discovery gets even better

Lion’s Mane Also clears up Amyloid Beta Plaques That can Inflame Your Brain!

Scientists at the prestigious Tohoku University in Japan showed that Lion’s Mane is able to dissolve these plaques before they can do serious damage to your brain! 8

How exactly does it work?

Well, Lion’s Mane contains two very powerful substances -Hericenones and Erinacines.4, 5

Super-compounds in Lion's Mane sweep the plaques from your brain

While Hericenones are the raw material that NGF is made out of

Erinacines help dissolve Amyloid Beta in your brain like a sugar in your coffee… saving your neurons and reducing memory fog.6

And get this:

Lion’s Mane is so powerful that it’s even the basis for a new pharmaceutical drug to treat serious cognitive problems. 9

That’s right!

Big Pharma is racing around the clock trying to create a pharmaceutical drug they can charge big bucks for.

But you don’t need to wait for that.

Because you can enjoy Lion’s Mane in its most natural and potent form right now.

You don’t have to forage for it in the remote forests of Asia

Or travel to a Tibetan monastery.

Now you can…

Start Boosting Your Brain’s NGF Right Away With 100% Pure Lion’s Mane in Vitrafoxin!

We have created a state-of-the-art cognitive support supplement called Vitrafoxin.

Each serving contains 500mg of Lion’sMane
 the same dosage that was used successfully in clinical trials.

Which means that your brain doesn’t have to suffer any longer.

With Vitrafoxin, you can trigger an explosion of healthy new neurons in your brain

And enjoy the crystal-clear memory and thinking you had when you were 24.

How do I know this?

My name is Alan Walker and I’m the founder and CEO of Advanced Biohealth.

For the last two years, I’ve worked closely with an elite team of PHDs and medical scientists to uncover unique natural ways to achieve optimal brain health.

And Lion’s Mane is by far one of the most powerful natural healers I’ve ever seen.

But here’s the thing:

Lion’s Mane will only help you spring into action and get you off the starting block.

It’s not enough to give you the F1 race car memory you desire

If you want a sustained performance for the WHOLE race
 you need to take care of another hidden problem that’s ravaging your memory.

Memory Killer #2: Oxidative Stress

If you ever saw your brain affected by oxidative stress, this is what it would look like.

Cars and the human brain have one common enemy – oxidation.

The only difference is
 in cars oxidation means rust and reduced performance…

in human brain oxidation is like a fire that burns your brain cells.

Old rusty car
Here's what oxidative stress does to your brain

That’s because your brain weighs only 2% of your body weight, but it uses 20% of your body’s oxygen. And oxygen is the primary ingredient in oxidation.

Second, your brain contains high levels of iron and copper, making it extremely vulnerable to oxidative damage. 27

So what happens when you combine oxygen, iron and copper?

You get oxidative stress
 which slowly erodes your memory and makes you lose mental sharpness.

Symptoms like forgetfulness… trouble concentrating, and brain fog have all been linked to oxidative stress. 25

The main cause of oxidative stress

Now, here’s something that’s eating away at your brain no matter your age..

Consumption of refined carbs from processed foods.

According to a study published in the journal Behavioral Neuroscience, even otherwise healthy young people who ate lots of refined carbs had impaired memory. 10

Another study looked at folks over 65 and similarly found the more refined carbs were consumed, the worse their memory was. 11

But you may already know that processed foods are bad for your health. Problem is
 refined carbs are EVERYWHERE

Baked desserts
 White Bread
 Ice cream
 Pizza Dough
 Hamburger and hot dog buns

And the list goes on and on

It’s next to impossible to eliminate all refined carbs from your diet.

Besides, how much fun would your life be if you could never eat the foods you love?

But what about your brain? You can’t just keep eating the foods you enjoy and lose your memory.

So what’s the solution?

Well, you probably know that antioxidants are the key to extinguishing the fire of oxidative stress

That’s why antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables are good for you.

The only problem is
 you’d need antioxidants in your brain and only a few of them are able to cross the blood-brain barrier
 the wall that protects your brain.

Luckily, after exhaustive research we’ve uncovered a little known mushroom that grows in warm tropical wetlands in Asia… that does exactly that – it squelches the fire of oxidative stress!

Medical practitioners in Asia used this herb for close to 3000 years and modern science is finally about to catch up.

Memory Boosting Herb Stops Oxidative Stress
In its Tracks

It’s name is Reishi.


An animal study published in the journal Phytotherapy Research shows that Bacopa indeed crosses the blood brain barrier, and has powerful antioxidant effects. 13

It’s like pointing a garden hose at an open fire of oxidative stress.

And when you clean the inflammation out of your neurons, it’s likeyou’re peeling away the curtain that’s been holding your brain back for all these years.

Your mind will be clearer
 your memory will be sharper
 your focus will be unstoppable.

At least, that’s what researchers in Thailand discovered.

They took 60 volunteers around 62 years of age and divided them into two groups.

The first group received a placebo, the second and third groups received 300mg Bacopa.

At the end of the trial the group who took 300mg Bacopa extract scored 20% better in working memory tests and their attention improved 33% 32

So how exactly does Bacopa Monnieri work?

According to the University of Michigan, the main reason why Bacopa is so good for the brain is because it contains special compounds called bacosides
 that can repair damaged neurons and improve nerve impulse transmission

…Which simply means it gives you faster memory recall and clearer thinking.

In yet another study, 76 adults aged between 40 and 65 were divided into two groups — one group received 300 mg of Bacopa daily while another group got a placebo.

At the end of the trial, the group that received Bacopa demonstrated improved memory recall and retention by 100%! 31

Together Lion’s Mane Mushroom and Bacopa Monnieri provide a powerful one-two punch that not only boosts your memory but can even help you feel much happier!

Here’s the proof

In a clinical trial, 54 healthy people over 65 were separated into two groups. One was given Bacopa, another – a placebo.

At the end of 12 weeks, the Bacopa group displayed less anxious thoughts on tests – plus a great improvement in their ability to concentrate! 17

In other words, Bacopa Monnieri can give you better memory recall, brighter moods, AND the kind of quick with you haven’t had since your 20’s

Who wouldn’t want that?

You’d never have to worry about any of those “tip-of-the-tongue” moments again!

You could go to a dinner party and be the smartest person in the room

You could crack jokes
 tell great stories

You would be the life of the party.

With Vitrafoxin, all of that is possible.

Because 100mg of Bacopa Monnieri is included in each daily dose.

But we didn’t stop there.

There’s still one more memory killer that you need to know about.

And this one threatens the brains of 95% of people over 50

Memory Killer #3: Your Brain Cells Can’t Communicate

You see, your memory neurons can’t just work by themselves. They have to be connected to other neurons. And it’s those connections that make your memory work.

It’s like calling your buddy on the phone. Once he picks up, you can talk. But if your neighbor digs a hole in his front yard and cuts your phone line
 your communications are dead.

And there is one very important chemical your brain needs for your memory to work – Acetylcholine.

It acts as a communication line between your neurons and you need it to form new memories.

If your brain is low on Acetylcholine, your neurons can’t talk to each other.

Which means your memory recall will slow down, you’ll become forgetful and lose the ability to focus or to follow movie plots.

In fact, a study done at King’s College in London found that a lack of Acetylcholine leads to severe age-related memory loss. 12

The bad news is:

If you’re over 50, you’re losing Acetylcholine every single day.

In fact, as you age, your brain can lose as much as 90% of it.

So if you want to protect the memory you still have, it’s absolutely vital for you to increase the amount of this chemical in your brain.

Now, the million dollar question is

Actually, it’s a two-step process – First, adding more Acetylcholine to your brain and Second… preventing the depletion of it once it’s been added.

And the good news is, we’ve found a way to do both using 100% natural ingredients.

The first one is Alpha-GPC.

A study at the Sapienza University in Italy showed it has a unique ability to cross the blood-brain barrier and directly raise Acetylcholine levels
 which protects your memory and gives you laser-sharp mental focus. 16

But, does it really add Acetylcholine to your brain?

Plus, it’s one of the only known natural compounds that can cross the blood-brain barrier and deliver choline – the molecule that acetylcholine is made out of – directly to your neurons. 37

Here is what it means for your memory…

A study, published in Clinical Therapeutics, was conducted at the world famous National Institute of Senescence in Mexico. It took 260 people of ages 60 to 80 years old. All of them were suffering from mild to moderate age-related memory loss.

Half of them were given Alpha-GPC. The other half received a placebo.

At the end of this double-blind study, the group that received Alpha-GPC showed a consistent improvement in memory and cognitive tasks. 15

Now get ready.

Now get ready.

Because what I’m about to reveal next about Alpha-GPC will shock you.

Alpha-GPC Even Protects the brain From
a Date Rape Drug!

Researchers at the most prestigious university in Australia took 32 young and healthy volunteers and gave them either Alpha-GPC or a placebo as a pretreatment.

Ten days later they were injected with Scopolamine – a drug that erases your memory.

Some people call this drug “Devil’s Breath”… others call it the Colombia’s Date Rape DRUG.

Not only does it make you lose your memory and free will, but also convinces you to empty your bank accounts and hand over the keys to your house.

Criminals in South America use high doses of this drug to completely control their victims.

And in this test, a smaller dose of Scopolamine was given to healthy volunteers. The goal was to impair their memory just enough for a test.

The results were shocking

At the end of the study, folks who received Alpha-GPC were not affected by Scopolamine at all. 14

It’s like their memory was locked in a safe.

Just think about that for a moment:

Alpha-GPC protected the brains of people that were dosed with a drug to wipe out their memory

Imagine what it could do for you!

It would be like bulletproofing your brain.

The only question is

Although it is possible to get Alpha-GPC from regular food like red meat, you’d have to consume 9 pounds of it every day to make an impact.

That’s unrealistic.

So, the best way to add this vital nutrient is through a concentrated supplement

Which is why 100mg of Alpha GPC is included in each daily dose of Vitrafoxin.

This is the same dose that has been used in multiple scientific trials.

It’s the easiest and most reliable way to boost Acetylcholine levels in your brain and protect your memory.

But remember, just adding Acetylcholine is not enough. It needs to be prevented from being broken down and metabolized.

Acetylcholine is easily broken down by your body, so adding more of it is only the first step.

The second step is making sure it remains in your brain to do its job.

Which is why we’ve added another important ingredient to the formula.

It comes from chinese club moss – an exotic plant that’s so rare
 it’s near extinction.

And it has the most amazing ability to prevent the breakdown of Acetylcholine in your brain.


This incredible compound is called Huperzine A.

It acts as acetylcholine defender.

Huperzine A slows down the breakdown of Acetylcholine by stopping a molecule Acetylcholinesterase… which “eats” the acetylcholine molecules.

Huperzine A fights back Acetylcholinesterase and keeps it in check so you can maintain healthy Acetylcholine levels…

 which is a fancy-shmancy way of saying

Huperzine a Can Block Age-related Memory Decline And Boost Your Brain Power

By how much?

A clinical trial was performed at the Traditional Chinese Medicine Epicenter in Shanghai. It separated older people with severe memory loss into two groups. All patients were given memory tests.

One group was given a placebo, another – Huperzine A. At the end of the trial, 58% of patients who took Huperzine A showed 36% memory improvements compared to placebo. 18

But I have to warn you

Huperzine-A derives from the Chinese Moss which is extremely rare and nearing extinction in its native China. That’s why it’s so important to try it before you lose that chance altogether.

For now, we were able to include 75mg of Huperzine A in Vitrafoxin.

That’s why…

Vitrafoxin is the Ultimate Solution for
Your Brain Health!

2 daily capsules of Vitrafoxin provide your body with enough pure Lion’s Mane Extract to ignite the growth of millions of fresh neurons

So you enhance your memory and boost the health of your mind.

It also gives you Bacopa Monnieri extract that squelches the power of oxidative stress and protects your brain from a lifetime of abuse by refined carbs.

This can not only undo the decades of damage but also give you the chance to restore the brain health you had decades ago.

And then there are two vital ingredients – Huperzine-A and Alpha-GPC that increase the amount of Acetylcholine

Which is a vital communication line between your neurons.

This powerful combination alone could give your mind a complete makeover.

However, we’ve gone the whole nine yards and added one more additional ingredient that makes Vitrafoxin the most effective cognitive support supplement in the world.

As you already know, your brain is surrounded by a protective wall called the blood-brain barrier.

It’s designed to protect your brain from the bad stuff and let the good stuff through.

But like a lot of things, it gets less efficient as we get older.

Which means, in addition to keeping bad stuff out, it also keeps some of the good stuff out too.

And that’s the reason so many other brain formulas fall short – a blood-brain barrier keeps their ingredients from getting into the brain to do their job.

That’s why we supercharged our Vitrafoxin formula with a unique natural molecule called Vinpocetine.

It’s extracted from the blue periwinkle flower.

And unlike the other ingredients, Vinpocetine doesn’t make any changes to your brain directly. Instead it does something far more important – it

Boosts The Amount of Healthy Blood
Flow To Your Brain

Sending more blood flow to your brain acts like pushing a gas pedal on Formula 1 car – speed and power multiplied.

Here’s why Vinpocetine is a perfect addition to Vitrafoxin formula:

Clinical studies show it is able to boost blood flow to your brain by a whopping 25% within 30 minutes. 29.

For you it means lightning-fast thinking, quicker memory recall for things like names and fewer “senior moments”

Vinpocetine “multiplies” the effect of other ingredients — it helps them get into the brain that’s starving for them.

It’s the best way to make sure you get the most from the formula, even if your blood brain barrier isn’t as efficient as it used to be.

Are you starting to see how powerful Vitrafoxin can be for your brain?

Can you imagine the amazing change it could make in your life?

Can you picture yourself, even after the first few doses, being on your way to having the best brain ever?

It’s a revolutionary new formula that helps not only get back the memory you had when you were 24, but also to improve your thinking, and make you feel better.

But what’s even better…

You’ll save a bundle every month compared to taking these nutrients separately

Take a look at this comparison
 it’s the price you would pay for each ingredient if you went out and purchased them individually:

But most important of all: while saving all this money, you will also be saving your brain!

And your memories
 before they’re lost forever!

All those wonderful stories and experiences
 your children and grandchildren will cherish for a long time…

They’ll talk about how smart and sharp you are
 and how they want to spend more time with you.

And that doesn’t just include family – you’ll be able to make new friends easily by telling funny stories at parties and making everyone laugh.

I urge you to “seize the moment” as they say – and seize this very special opportunity to have Vitrafoxin delivered to your doorstep every month with FREE SHIPPING at this very special discounted price.

Now Is The Time To Protect Your Memory And Defend Your Brain!

So, if you’re beginning to notice your memory slipping — even if it’s just a little bit — please don’t ignore these early warning signs of possible serious trouble ahead!

According to research done at Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago, these memory glitches are being caused by the very same brain changes linked to a serious cognitive decline! 36

Now is the time to take action and turn these brain changes around while you still have a chance!

Act now, click below to get started on your no-risk trial!

To Your Good Health,

Alan Walker,

P.S. Don’t Miss This Opportunity, Because
 you probably won’t believe it, but

We’re In The Middle Of An Unprecedented Nationwide Epidemic Of Age Related Memory Loss That Will Only Get Worse!


In the year 2005, there were more than 25.7 million recorded cases of age-related memory loss – a condition that affects people 65 and older. 33

That number almost doubled by now.


By The Year 2050 The Number Of People Affected By Memory Loss Is Expected To QUADRUPLE!

Here is why this is important to YOU:

One in three people will develop memory problems so severe they may die prematurely.

You or your loved ones will be affected and what’s even worse
 the mainstream medicine has no solution!

Big pharmaceutical industry currently has no drug that can cure severe memory loss. So the only way to avoid it is prevention.

Save your memory and defend your
brain with

FDA-registered facility

Made in the USA in our state of the art lab

GNP best practices certified

Vegetarian all-natural capsules

No additives or fillers

Start improving your memory and cognitive abilities TODAY with “4 Amazing Memory Boosters” in Vitrafoxin

Memory Booster #1: De-gunks Your Brain and Ignites The Explosion of Healthy New Cells


What if you could sweep your brain from nasty Amyloid-Beta plaques and boost the creation of fresh new cells? Now you can…

Clinical trials show that Lion’s Mane extract in Vitrafoxin is able to clear up toxic Amyloid-Beta plaques in your brain 8 – and boosts the levels of brain protein (NGF) which sparks the growth of new neurons 20

The process called neurogenesis is able to dramatically increase the number of new brain cells. This improves cognitive function for folks with severe age related memory loss. 21

Wanna learn a new language? Go ahead, it will be a breeze. Or how about starting a new cash generating business? With a brand new bulletproof brain? Anything is possible.

Now you can be one of those super smart mature people who started a new life instead of retiring. And you can do even more with…

Memory Booster #2: Gives Faster And More Accurate Memory Recall!


Annoyed by not being able to remember that word you were looking for
 or the name of the movie you watched a few days ago
 or the name of the person you were introduced to just a week ago?

Bacopa Monnieri extract in Vitrafoxin has been shown to completely obliterate oxidative stress that’s fogging up your memory, while at the same time protecting your neurons and speeding up your memory recall. 22

This not only turns back the clock 20 years (or more) but also revs up your brain function. Six high quality human trials confirm that. 23

So, go ahead

Crunch those sudokus in minutes. Write that book you always wanted. Beat your friends at the game of bridge.

With lightning fast memory recall you can do things you never thought you could.

Memory Booster #3: Boosts Your Thinking and Brighten Your Daily Moods


Ever wondered if you could get back the speedy thinking you had when you were young
 being able to solve any problem in seconds
 coming up with ideas off the cuff?

Alpha GPC component in Vitrafoxin supercharges your brain activity by increasing the amount of Acetylcholine in your brain. This boosts neuron function and their ability to “communicate” with each other.

That alone can make you smarter than ever
 but that’s not all

Anxious thoughts make you feel sad and can even damage your memory. But Huperzine A ingredient in Vitrafoxin can reverse both of those problems – 8 different trials with over 800 participants confirmed it. 28

Another study revealed something even more important – it can boost your happiness! 24

The happier you feel, the better your brain works and more positive memories you will be able to store and retrieve.

And the best news? The effects of it are felt within one hour! 26

That means in just one hour after taking Vitrafoxin, you can feel your thinking become better, faster and more efficient.

What does that mean to you?

Not only you won’t need any assistance, but you’ll be able to help others

and… you may have to answer those annoying questions like “how did you become so sharp at this age”.

Memory Booster #4: Improves Your Mental Focus and Concentration


Ever wonder how Formula 1 cars zoom by so fast while the average car is so sluggish and takes forever to pick up speed?

Well, wonder no more – special additives in the fuel give extra horsepower
 which means better performance on the road.

And when it comes to you brain, there’s one ingredient that makes a huge difference. It’s like pressing on a gas pedal in Formula 1 car.

That miracle ingredient is Vinpocetine in Vitrafoxin. It increases the amount of blood to your brain by 25% delivering all the other nutrients so they can do the job. 29 What does that mean?

It’s like having a Turbo-Brain with extra-powers like laser focus and concentration, so

You could out-think and out-smart others half your age
 walking away with winnings at a poker table. Would you like that?

Now It’s Your Turn!

Here is our “No Strings Attached Free Trial Invitation to you”

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 So you can feel the difference IMMEDIATELY!

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We want to make it as easy as possible for you to try the wonderful improvements that Vitrafoxin can make to your memory, your thinking and concentration – so we’re inviting you to

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That’s right! We would like to send you an introductory supply of a 30-tablet bottle of Vitrafoxin to try the amazing power of this miracle brain formula without any risk to you whatsoever. We only ask you to pay the shipping and handling fee.

If you love the improvements you’ve experienced and want to keep Vitrafoxin coming, Bambu Naturals will bill your credit card for $69.95 ($20 OFF the regular price!) after your 30-day trial and enroll you in our special price exclusive club. This way you’ll never run out, unless you decide to cancel your membership.

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  1. Frank Jessen, Prediction of Dementia by Subjective Memory Impairment: Effects of Severity and Temporal Association with Cognitive Impairment. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2010; 67(4): 414-422.
  2. Ann Neurol. 1991 Dec;30(6):831-40.
  3. Hirokazu Kawagishi, Cun Zhuang, Ellen Shnidman “The Anti-Dementia effect of Lion’s Mane Mushroom and Its Clinical Application”. — April, 2004.
  4. Kawagishi, H., Ando, M., Sakamoto, H., Yoshida S., Ojima, F., Ishiguro, Y., Ukai, N., Fukukawa, S. 1991. “Hericenone C, D and E, Stimulators of Nerve Growth Factor Synthesis from the Mushroom Hericium Erinaceum.” Tetrahedron Lett 32, 4561-4564.
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  6. Erinacine A dissolves Amyloid Beta
  7. Mori, K., Inatomi, S., Ouchi, K. Azumi, Y and Tuchida T. 2009. “Improving Effects Of The Mushroom Hericium Erinaceus on Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.” Phytother Res. 23:367-372.
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  10. Oxidative stress
  11. Refined carbs make memory worse
  12. Acetylcholine decreased in Dementia patients
  13. M. Dhanasekaran, B. Tharakan, L. A. Holcomb, A. R. Hitt, K. A. Young, and B. V. Manyam, “Neuroprotective mechanisms of ayurvedic antidementia botanical Bacopa monniera,” Phytotherapy Research, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 965–969, 2007.
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  19. Lion’s Mane Boosts NGF
  20. Improves the cognitive function of elderly
  21. Bacopa stops oxidative stress and improves thinking,
  22. Bacopa increases brain function
  23. Huperzine A brightens your moods
  24. Forgetfulness linked to oxidative stress
  25. Huperzine A works within one hour
  26. Brain succeptable to oxidative stress
  27. Huperzine A helps in the treatments of Alzheimer’s
  28. Vinpocetine increases blood to your brain
  29. Johns Hopkins University “Lion’s Mane may have positive effect
  30. Bacopa 100% improvement
  31. Bacopa 20% improvement
  32. Alzheimers epidemic chart
  33. University of Michigan Bacopa contains bacosides
  34. Frank Jessen, Prediction of Dementia by Subjective Memory Impairment: Effects of Severity and Temporal Association with Cognitive Impairment. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2010; 67
  35. (4): 414-422 [link].
  36. (36) Wilson RS, et. al., “Neurodegenerative Basis of Age-Related Cognitive Decline”. Neurology — 2010 Sep 21;75(12):1070-8. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0b013e3181f39adc. Epub 2010 Sep 15
  37. Alpha GPC increases Acetylcholine
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