

19655 E 35th Dr. #100, Aurora, Colorado, 80011

Frequently Asked Questions

We only use products and ingredients from the highest quality sources to ensure you are getting the best nutrition for your body. Our products are all manufactured in GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certified facilities, using the highest quality standards. The manufacturing process has multiple checks in place, and our batches are signed off by a quality control officer to ensure accuracy, purity, and potency.

First, we only use ingredients that are backed by scientific studies. Second, we also provide a 100% lifetime money-back guarantee, so if you purchase the supplement and don’t get the results you expect then we’ll be happy to offer a full refund. You only pay the return shipping.

If there is a problem with payment or shipment of your order, please call 1-800-411-1799 or email support@AdvancedBiohealth and we’ll take care of everything.

You can rest assured that it’s going to be one-time payment. There won’t be any recurring shipments or charges to your card. Should you wish to purchase more bottles later, you can do so by placing another order on this website.

Occasionally we run promotions that you might find on our website or emails sent to you.
You can sign up for our email list here.

We always recommend consulting your doctor or pharmacist on whether the supplements are appropriate for you. People taking medications should exercise particular caution since some supplements can interfere with their treatment.

We currently ship only within the United States.

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